© Design copyright www.yoens.co.uk


Images sourced electronically are attributed underneath the actual image in the manner specified by the author or licensor. The resulting work was created under the Creative Commons License described at the following address: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/


This project was possible with the support and generosity of: -

Steve Yewdall, Marcel Tam, John Erhart, Nicolette A.Schnieder - Syracuse University Library- Special Collections, National Radio Astronomy Observatory Associated Universities Inc and Bruce Campbell/Smithson Instution, Kiyoto Shibasaki -Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory, United States Geological Survey Maps, Larry Cruse-University of California,San Diego,Jim Siebold,NASA Earth Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatory/Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy/National Science Foundation.

Exercises in Translation

This Virtual Book is an intervention into Henri Lefebvre’s philosophy of space. The work identifies spatial terminology in the footnotes from ‘The Production of Space’. The work goes on to develop the theme of borders and asks when does the shift occur between inside and outside and what happens to the things that do not quite fit. The book mixes concrete environments and abstract space and links images that are actual and virtual via the World Wide Web. In this virtual book each page is a marker of a moment in time in an ongoing production and creation. Each newly generated page is created in real time every time the Virtual Book is visited. Each visit is a moment that both materializes and dematerializes with each connection.

Samples from the Virtual Book follow: -


MS7 Book of Hours Image courtesy of Syracuse University Library Special Collection NY


Flare observed with various instruments Hanaoka,Y 1997, Solar Physics 173, 319